DIY Cakes

DIY Trolls Drip Cake

So, after I made two successful cakes for Dell’s first and 2nd birthday I was feeling way more confident with my skill set. I was ready to take on a design that was a bit more technical. I started making my plan when it dawned on me…I’m all about working smarter not harder. This genius idea popped into my head…. I’m using a box cake mix as it is, why I am going through the trouble of baking it if the grocery store can do it for me? So I started researching and calling local bakeries in town to see what they would charge for a 3 layer 8″ round cake with just a crumb coat, no additional icing or decorations. I found a grocery store that would do it for me for $15! SOLD! I picked it up a week before Dell’s party and brought it home. I made my favorite buttercream icing by meaningful mama and off I went to decorate this cake!

First I seperated my buttercream into seperate bowls to make different colors.

I made:

  • orange
  • hot pink
  • mint
  • teal
  • violet

Using my offset spatula, I added blobs of pink and orange around the bottom 1/3 of the cake. This step does not need to be methodical at all, just go for it and slap the icing on the cake!

Holding my scraper at a 45 degree angle from the cake, rest it on the base of the turntable and start to turn. Do not apply pressure to the scraper, let the turntable do the job for you. Do a full rotation, remove excess icing from the scraper and repeat. Continue this process until you have a smooth finish.

Continue this same technque with the other colors until you reach the top.

Once you reach the top you will have a sloppy top edge, that is what you want. Using your off set spatula, start at the outside edge and genlty drag straight in towards the center of the cake. Using the your turn table, continue this all the way around the top of the cake resulting in a nice, crisp edge.

I didn’t like how NEON the cake was looking so using the same “blob” technique I added a few spots of white buttercream and blended in on top of the bright colors to tone it down a bit.

Place your cake in the freezer while you temper your chocolate for the drips!

I tempered some white chocolate chips in the microwave, starting at 30 seconds, stirring, and then an additional 10 seconds until melted. I added my food coloring. Add the melted white chocolate to a plastic piping bag and snip the tip off, leaving a small hole. You could use a bottle as well, like those plastic ketchup and mustard bottles.

I found having a cold cake helps the drips set faster. Remove the cake from the freezer and start piping along the perimeter of the cake. The drips happened naturally and quickly!

Sprinkle the perimeter with your decorative sprinkles and pipe the Troll hair around the perimeter.

Add lollipops, candles, trolls and you’re done!

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1 Comment

  1. Jimmy T says:

    That was one beautiful cake!!!!

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