DIY Crafts

DIY Photo Hoop

You guys, how stinking cute is this photo ring? You want to know what makes it even cuter? It’s so incredibly easy to make!


  • Wreath Ring
  • Ribbon
  • Glue dots
  • Leaves/floral
  • 12 Photos

Find center and attached jute string to hang your hoop.

Place the ribbon under the hoop. Add a glue dot on the end of the ribbon and on the hoop where the ribbon is going to fold.

Fold the ribbon over the hoop and attach to the back side of the ribbon. 

Fold the corner of the ribbon fold in and add a glue dot or a dot of hot glue. 

This will create a pleat so the ribbon is fitted around the hoopThis is what it should look like when finished. 

Continue these steps for 3 more rows of ribbon.

Once your photos are attached start playing with greenery and floral. I used glue dots to attach the greenery to the ribbons and hot glue to attach the floral.

I also had some of the rose gold glitter hibiscus left over from the banner I made, I used glue dots to add a few of them as well. 

And that’s it!! I think it took longer for me to type this post and insert photos than it did to actually make the photo ring.  I was really excited with how this one came out, I can’t wait to see the beautiful rings you make! Send me an email with a photo!

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